all postcodes in NE63 / NEWBIGGIN-BY-THE-SEA

find any address or company within the NE63 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE63 8AA 2 2 55.182977 -1.574271
NE63 8AB 28 2 55.182918 -1.575543
NE63 8AD 1 0 55.182717 -1.578467
NE63 8AE 27 0 55.181859 -1.577299
NE63 8AF 16 0 55.180494 -1.577627
NE63 8AG 16 0 55.180197 -1.577269
NE63 8AH 13 0 55.180466 -1.57455
NE63 8AJ 10 0 55.180694 -1.575489
NE63 8AN 18 0 55.180901 -1.575754
NE63 8AQ 16 0 55.180305 -1.574897
NE63 8AS 13 0 55.180544 -1.573748
NE63 8AT 13 0 55.180587 -1.573276
NE63 8AU 8 0 55.181091 -1.573522
NE63 8AW 12 0 55.180662 -1.576683
NE63 8AZ 16 0 55.180871 -1.572284
NE63 8BA 13 0 55.180684 -1.572616
NE63 8BB 20 0 55.180064 -1.572764
NE63 8BE 48 0 55.178845 -1.57105
NE63 8BG 6 0 55.177223 -1.569827
NE63 8BH 10 0 55.178916 -1.573231